Madison Lintz, an American child actress and popular television actor who gained fame because of her appearance in The Walking Dead's horror-drama series The Walking Dead. Madison Lintz was a renowned young actress in 2010 for her portrayal of Sophia Peletier, a character from the popular show The Walking Dead. In this role, the young girl was awarded a Young Artist Award in the category Best Performance in the TV Series Supporting Young Actress. Madison, born to an actor mom, was introduced to the glamour and fun of the show industry early on. When Madison was only six, her mother was the first to showed her the world of acting to her. It took a short amount of time to grow into a skilled performer. The actress literally was born without a camera. Her career began with commercials. She first became known after one commercial she performed for Golden Corral was broadcast across America. It was her turn to play Sophia as a character on The Walking Dead when she was only 11 years o...